
Showing posts from January, 2018

Sammy Earley: Christmas Party with Artisans!

Over the past semester I had the opportunity to spend every Monday afternoon with my mentee Robbie! Robbie always greeted me with a warm smile and a funny joke. Robbie and I had so many fun times singing and dancing, coloring and playing board games. Robbie and I had some great times hanging out and getting to know each other! It wasn’t long until we learned how much we both enjoyed old country music and WII sports. We got to put our dance moves into action at the end of the semester Christmas party! The Christmas party was full of laughter, food and lots and lots of dancing. Robbie, in his lavish suit and tie, danced the night away. Christmas with the Artisans is a big deal. I mean Santa even showed up to hand out presents and take pictures with all the mentees!   Having all the Setons and mentees together was such a special Christmas treat! We all got to meet each other and finally put a face to all the amazing stories we share about our time at Artisans! All of the Setons loved e